Statistics & Research about Kiawah Island,SC - W Lee Taylor Jr Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Kiawah Island,SC an area served by W Lee Taylor Jr Agcy Inc

Phone : 843-768-2440

Real estate research for area nearby W Lee Taylor Jr Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Seabrook Island 745,500 963 1.6
Charleston County 240,600 931 4.6
Jacksonboro 83500 NA NA
James Island 265,900 1106 5.0
Rockville 361,100 625 2.1
Hanahan 181,000 824 5.5
Ravenel 109,200 708 7.8
Sullivans Island 1,000,001 1803 2.2
Charleston Central 435,000 874 2.4
North Charleston 142,200 841 7.1

Number of whites in places near by W Lee Taylor Jr Agcy Inc

Place name Number of whites
Seabrook Island 1689
Charleston County 231974
Jacksonboro 48
James Island 30979
Rockville 154
Hanahan 13231
Ravenel 1257
Sullivans Island 1881
Charleston Central 21335
North Charleston 45494
Mount Pleasant 71198
Ravenel-Hollywood 6143
Johns Island 9328
Goose Creek 26691
Green Pond 1147

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by W Lee Taylor Jr Agcy Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Seabrook Island 263
Charleston County 14378
James Island 1560
Hanahan 698
Ravenel 11
Sullivans Island 41
Charleston Central 2975
North Charleston 4136
Mount Pleasant 1755
Ravenel-Hollywood 102
Johns Island 400
Goose Creek 388
Green Pond 139

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by W Lee Taylor Jr Agcy Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Seabrook Island 1000001
Charleston County 294000
Jacksonboro 85700
James Island 292300
Rockville 228600
Hanahan 212200
Ravenel 166700
Sullivans Island 1000001
Charleston Central 515400
North Charleston 188400
Mount Pleasant 412000
Ravenel-Hollywood 273700
Johns Island 243400
Goose Creek 188700
Green Pond 248100

Number of new houses in places near by W Lee Taylor Jr Agcy Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Charleston County 323500
Hanahan 168600
Charleston Central 307100
North Charleston 161600
Mount Pleasant 467300
Johns Island 1000001
Goose Creek 156900