Statistics & Research about Mullins,SC - W D Barry Lp

Here are some statistics & research about Mullins,SC an area served by W D Barry Lp

800 S Main St
Phone : 843-464-8650

Car dealers nearby W D Barry Lp

Mullins Motors


Real estate research for area nearby W D Barry Lp

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Raemon 13000 NA NA
Florence 135,000 687 6.1
Marion 87,000 532 7.3
Boardman 55,900 375 8.1
Fair Bluff 81,100 473 7.0
Whitehouse 54,100 691 15.3
Rowland 65,200 564 10.4
Tatums 78,200 514 7.9
South Williams 70,800 547 9.3
Cerro Gordo 85,400 651 9.1

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by W D Barry Lp

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Raemon 13000
Florence 147700
Marion 91500
Boardman 121900
Fair Bluff 102600
Whitehouse 116700
Rowland 43500
Tatums 87700
South Williams 115000
Cerro Gordo 14900
Marion County 66000
Loris 83900
Johnsonville 69200
Elrod 89300

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by W D Barry Lp

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Florence 4336
Marion 1058
Boardman 16
Fair Bluff 96
Whitehouse 65
Rowland 180
Tatums 193
South Williams 272
Cerro Gordo 66
Marion County 1924
Loris 657
Raynham 3
Johnsonville 459
Elrod 17

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by W D Barry Lp

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Florence 114400
Marion 91800
Boardman 56700
Fair Bluff 106300
Rowland 64100
Tatums 84100
South Williams 85800
Cerro Gordo 106300
Marion County 101000
Loris 100800
Raynham 67000
Johnsonville 121900

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by W D Barry Lp

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Florence 208800
Marion 102300
Boardman 137500
Fair Bluff 99200
Whitehouse 78100
Rowland 211400
Tatums 112500
South Williams 116100
Cerro Gordo 176600
Marion County 95200
Loris 134600
Johnsonville 81500