Statistics & Research about Murrells Inlet,SC - Statewide Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Murrells Inlet,SC an area served by Statewide Insurance Group

Phone : 843-357-7493

Car dealers nearby Statewide Insurance Group


Automaxx 3956 Hwy 17 S .Murrells Inlet,SC,29576 PH843-651-9799
Murrells Inlet,SC
Phone: 843-651-9799

Real estate research for area nearby Statewide Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Surfside Beach 270,800 918 4.1
Conway 137,000 703 6.2
Briarcliffe Acres 535,400 2001 4.5
Sampit-North Santee 69,200 713 12.4
Socastee 151,400 838 6.6
Garden City 126,300 910 8.6
Red Hill 164,100 818 6.0
Forestbrook 183,500 846 5.5
Horry County 164,000 827 6.1
Georgetown 116,800 700 7.2

Number of new houses in places near by Statewide Insurance Group

Place name Number of new houses
Conway 146200
Horry County 231700
Conway East 185800
Myrtle Beach 241700

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Statewide Insurance Group

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Surfside Beach 350000
Conway 162500
Briarcliffe Acres 1000001
Sampit-North Santee 71400
Socastee 163800
Garden City 124700
Red Hill 188900
Forestbrook 274200
Horry County 197900
Georgetown 163900
Plantersville 139800
Pleasant Hill-Folly Grove 99100
Andrews 164100
Conway East 210800
Myrtle Beach 203500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Statewide Insurance Group

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Surfside Beach 283
Conway 325
Briarcliffe Acres 50
Sampit-North Santee 75
Socastee 155
Garden City 251
Red Hill 38
Forestbrook 76
Horry County 4055
Georgetown 104
Plantersville 91
Pleasant Hill-Folly Grove 13
Andrews 135
Conway East 930
Myrtle Beach 1756

Number of blacks in places near by Statewide Insurance Group

Place name Number of blacks
Conway 12371
Briarcliffe Acres 3
Sampit-North Santee 2242
Socastee 1710
Garden City 66
Red Hill 1460
Forestbrook 196
Horry County 36729
Georgetown 5036
Plantersville 2356
Pleasant Hill-Folly Grove 1507
Andrews 3390
Conway East 6366
Myrtle Beach 6781