Statistics & Research about Aiken,SC - Security Federal Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Aiken,SC an area served by Security Federal Insurance Inc

Phone : 803-642-5007

Real estate research for area nearby Security Federal Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Murphys Estates 71,400 484 8.1
Edgefield 95,200 530 6.7
Graniteville 78,200 640 9.8
Wagener 63,400 593 11.2
Parksville 73,200 501 8.2
Hephzibah 108,500 785 8.7
Langley 70,600 585 9.9
Southeast Edgefield 152,800 703 5.5
Aiken 153,000 764 6.0
Beech Island 81,900 754 11.0

Number of old houses in places near by Security Federal Insurance Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Edgefield 150900
Graniteville 66600
Wagener 137500
Parksville 102100
Hephzibah 105700
Langley 83300
Southeast Edgefield 78000
Aiken 164700
Beech Island 111500
Kline-Snelling 75000
Monetta 132100
Augusta-Richmond County consolidated government 129500
Johnston 117500

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Security Federal Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Edgefield 100300
Graniteville 148200
Wagener 96800
Parksville 109700
Hephzibah 103200
Southeast Edgefield 218500
Aiken 147600
Beech Island 59600
Kline-Snelling 86800
Monetta 61300
Augusta-Richmond County consolidated government 95500
Clearwater 86700
Johnston 73000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Security Federal Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Murphys Estates 69
Edgefield 44
Graniteville 9
Wagener 65
Parksville 54
Hephzibah 438
Southeast Edgefield 192
Aiken 750
Beech Island 122
Kline-Snelling 32
Monetta 21
Augusta-Richmond County consolidated government 2025
Johnston 133

Number of new houses in places near by Security Federal Insurance Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Wagener 1000001
Southeast Edgefield 172100
Aiken 243800
Augusta-Richmond County consolidated government 210300