Statistics & Research about Little River,SC - Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Little River,SC an area served by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

3781 Sea Mountain Hwy
Little River,SC

Car dealers nearby Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Jud Kuhn Chevrolet

3740 Highway 9 E , Little River, SC 29566
Little River,SC
Phone: (877) 811-9268

Real estate research for area nearby Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Carolina Shores 206,600 1045 6.1
Bug Hill 72,600 536 8.9
Ocean Isle Beach 580,200 1323 2.7
Horry County 164,000 827 6.1
Murrells Inlet 232,500 868 4.5
Briarcliffe Acres 535,400 2001 4.5
Shallotte 212,900 840 4.7
South Williams 70,800 547 9.3
Little River 196,600 867 5.3
Myrtle Beach 174,600 855 5.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Carolina Shores 475
Bug Hill 393
Ocean Isle Beach 414
Horry County 52034
Murrells Inlet 857
Briarcliffe Acres 23
Shallotte 6336
South Williams 815
Little River 14746
Myrtle Beach 22721
Conway 3210
Surfside Beach 868
Columbus County 7260
Waccamaw 316
Conway East 6411

Number of vacant houses in places near by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Carolina Shores 390
Bug Hill 220
Ocean Isle Beach 2751
Horry County 72026
Murrells Inlet 995
Briarcliffe Acres 27
Shallotte 10834
South Williams 257
Little River 23546
Myrtle Beach 33099
Conway 2504
Surfside Beach 2275
Columbus County 4424
Waccamaw 218
Conway East 9868

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Bug Hill 86500
Ocean Isle Beach 609400
Horry County 137100
Briarcliffe Acres 554700
Shallotte 168400
South Williams 85800
Little River 140100
Myrtle Beach 220300
Conway 123700
Surfside Beach 240200
Columbus County 94500
Conway East 81300

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Rossbacher Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Carolina Shores 22
Bug Hill 19
Ocean Isle Beach 630
Horry County 4055
Murrells Inlet 107
Briarcliffe Acres 50
Shallotte 861
South Williams 79
Little River 808
Myrtle Beach 1756
Conway 325
Surfside Beach 283
Columbus County 618
Waccamaw 54
Conway East 930