Statistics & Research about Orangeburg,SC - Ron Black Agency-The Laskey Group

Here are some statistics & research about Orangeburg,SC an area served by Ron Black Agency-The Laskey Group

1130 Waring St Ne

Car dealers nearby Ron Black Agency-The Laskey Group

Carolina Auto World


Toyota Of Orangeburg

Toyota of Orangeburg 3237 St. Matthews Road Orangeburg, SC 29118
Phone: (803) 536-4512

Real estate research for area nearby Ron Black Agency-The Laskey Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Gaston 75,800 751 11.9
Denmark 56,900 463 9.8
Woodford 72100 NA NA
Pinewood 83,300 650 9.4
Eutawville 76,100 827 13.0
Springfield 73,800 1035 16.8
Calhoun County 98,400 631 7.7
Ehrhardt 39,200 327 10.0
Orangeburg 107,700 658 7.3
Hopkins 85,300 754 10.6

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Ron Black Agency-The Laskey Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Gaston 15
Denmark 164
Woodford 3
Pinewood 15
Eutawville 32
Springfield 13
Calhoun County 278
Ehrhardt 97
Orangeburg 1017
Hopkins 36
Edisto 37
Blackville 52
Orangeburg County 1672
Rowesville 5
Orangeburg West 128

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Ron Black Agency-The Laskey Group

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Gaston 87
Denmark 392
Woodford 3
Pinewood 45
Eutawville 518
Springfield 168
Calhoun County 838
Ehrhardt 174
Orangeburg 1896
Hopkins 426
Edisto 89
Blackville 198
Orangeburg County 5160
Rowesville 14
Orangeburg West 428

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Ron Black Agency-The Laskey Group

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Gaston 419
Denmark 1372
Woodford 49
Pinewood 118
Eutawville 1281
Springfield 627
Calhoun County 4375
Ehrhardt 447
Orangeburg 9002
Hopkins 1770
Edisto 655
Blackville 1203
Orangeburg County 22966
Rowesville 101
Orangeburg West 2730

Number of blacks in places near by Ron Black Agency-The Laskey Group

Place name Number of blacks
Gaston 208
Denmark 5249
Woodford 38
Pinewood 297
Eutawville 3655
Springfield 1308
Calhoun County 6432
Ehrhardt 432
Orangeburg 29184
Hopkins 5612
Edisto 1619
Blackville 2765
Orangeburg County 57573
Rowesville 166
Orangeburg West 5224