Statistics & Research about Anderson,SC - Roberts Insurance Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Anderson,SC an area served by Roberts Insurance Agency Llc

Phone : 864-226-8544

Car dealers nearby Roberts Insurance Agency Llc

Auto Direct Llc


Piedmont Nissan

Piedmont Nissan , 3510 Clemson Blvd.Anderson, SC 29621 ,Sales: 877-467-0372,Service: 877-467-2118
Phone: 877-467-0372

Real estate research for area nearby Roberts Insurance Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Due West 104,900 654 7.5
Anderson County 121,900 647 6.4
Fountain Inn 118,300 672 6.8
Central 108,500 758 8.4
Norris 84,500 546 7.8
Centerville 135,200 549 4.9
Anderson 128,200 653 6.1
Reed Creek 148,500 581 4.7
Lake Secession 132,500 860 7.8
Oconee County 133,800 640 5.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Roberts Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Due West 532
Anderson County 22449
Fountain Inn 872
Central 1643
Norris 110
Centerville 569
Anderson 10803
Reed Creek 1050
Lake Secession 395
Oconee County 9592
West Pelzer 209
Pendleton 1786
Greenville 35358
Williamston 570
Gantt 1540

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Roberts Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Due West 33
Anderson County 4156
Fountain Inn 221
Central 501
Norris 10
Centerville 185
Anderson 2548
Reed Creek 273
Lake Secession 73
Oconee County 1894
West Pelzer 55
Pendleton 270
Greenville 11731
Williamston 27
Gantt 282

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Roberts Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Due West 11
Anderson County 2192
Fountain Inn 150
Central 91
Norris 2
Centerville 22
Anderson 964
Reed Creek 420
Lake Secession 10
Oconee County 1529
Pendleton 311
Greenville 4127
Williamston 10
Gantt 183

Number of vacant houses in places near by Roberts Insurance Agency Llc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Due West 262
Anderson County 11697
Fountain Inn 433
Central 969
Norris 67
Centerville 99
Anderson 4873
Reed Creek 1337
Lake Secession 360
Oconee County 8317
West Pelzer 43
Pendleton 1212
Greenville 13195
Williamston 237
Gantt 795