Statistics & Research about Belton,SC - Palmetto Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Belton,SC an area served by Palmetto Insurance

Phone : (864) 338-8886

Car dealers nearby Palmetto Insurance

Clinkscales Chevrolet Co

6301 US Highway 76 , Belton, SC 29627
Phone: (864) 339-9050

Real estate research for area nearby Palmetto Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Centerville 135,200 549 4.9
City View 49,800 680 16.4
Williamston 83,900 669 9.6
Anderson County 121,900 647 6.4
Oakway 125,200 635 6.1
Coldwater 89,000 484 6.5
Welcome 81,500 734 10.8
Central 108,500 758 8.4
Gantt 86,200 691 9.6
Sans Souci 90,800 622 8.2

Number of vacant houses in places near by Palmetto Insurance

Place name Number of vacant houses
Centerville 99
City View 77
Williamston 237
Anderson County 11697
Oakway 1478
Coldwater 356
Welcome 548
Central 969
Gantt 795
Sans Souci 695
Golden Grove 86
Iva 436
Ware Place 48
Lowndesville 48
Ware Shoals-Hodges 488

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Palmetto Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Centerville 22
Williamston 10
Anderson County 2192
Oakway 147
Coldwater 18
Welcome 79
Central 91
Gantt 183
Sans Souci 15
Golden Grove 51
Iva 27
Ware Shoals-Hodges 58

Number of blacks in places near by Palmetto Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Centerville 714
City View 524
Williamston 531
Anderson County 30021
Oakway 168
Coldwater 117
Welcome 1627
Central 1284
Gantt 8553
Sans Souci 1365
Golden Grove 534
Iva 913
Lowndesville 16
Ware Shoals-Hodges 2070

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Palmetto Insurance

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Centerville 137800
Williamston 94600
Anderson County 116200
Oakway 137600
Coldwater 57400
Welcome 16100
Central 73500
Gantt 65400
Sans Souci 196900
Golden Grove 102400
Iva 61000
Lowndesville 42200
Ware Shoals-Hodges 100800