Statistics & Research about Surfside Beach,SC - Palmetto Coastal Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Surfside Beach,SC an area served by Palmetto Coastal Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 843-238-1416

Real estate research for area nearby Palmetto Coastal Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brittons Neck 50,600 545 12.9
Forestbrook 183,500 846 5.5
Bucksport 125,600 664 6.3
Pleasant Hill-Folly Grove 78,000 663 10.2
Surfside Beach 270,800 918 4.1
Aynor 103,000 625 7.3
Red Hill 164,100 818 6.0
Briarcliffe Acres 535,400 2001 4.5
Georgetown 116,800 700 7.2
Horry County 164,000 827 6.1

Number of whites in places near by Palmetto Coastal Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Brittons Neck 932
Forestbrook 3470
Pleasant Hill-Folly Grove 1757
Surfside Beach 3781
Aynor 8893
Red Hill 11653
Briarcliffe Acres 472
Georgetown 3729
Horry County 216017
Hemingway 2324
Pawleys Island 78
North Myrtle Beach 13000
Conway East 52288
Atlantic Beach 87

Number of new houses in places near by Palmetto Coastal Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Aynor 203600
Horry County 231700
North Myrtle Beach 382400
Conway East 185800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Palmetto Coastal Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Brittons Neck 80
Forestbrook 262
Bucksport 127
Pleasant Hill-Folly Grove 236
Surfside Beach 398
Aynor 462
Red Hill 656
Briarcliffe Acres 72
Georgetown 865
Horry County 18812
Hemingway 444
Pawleys Island 188
North Myrtle Beach 2541
Conway East 4332
Atlantic Beach 6

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Palmetto Coastal Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Brittons Neck 37
Forestbrook 76
Bucksport 8
Pleasant Hill-Folly Grove 13
Surfside Beach 283
Aynor 55
Red Hill 38
Briarcliffe Acres 50
Georgetown 104
Horry County 4055
Pawleys Island 144
North Myrtle Beach 643
Conway East 930
Atlantic Beach 1