Statistics & Research about Barnwell,SC - James Page Ins Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Barnwell,SC an area served by James Page Ins Agcy Inc

505 Reynolds Rd
Phone : 803-259-3595

Car dealers nearby James Page Ins Agcy Inc

B & B Ford Inc

B & B Ford Inc., 10476 Dunbarton Rd., Barnwell, SC 29812, Ph: (803) 259-5524
Phone: (803) 259-5524

Real estate research for area nearby James Page Ins Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Kline-Snelling 53,100 628 14.2
Gifford 55700 NA NA
Hampton 88,300 725 9.9
Snelling 46,300 619 16.0
Millhaven 85200 NA NA
Neeses 63,100 550 10.5
Cordova 77,500 544 8.4
Bamberg 88,600 622 8.4
Brunson 60,700 675 13.3
Kline 72,300 600 10.0

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by James Page Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Kline-Snelling 50
Hampton 43
Millhaven 7
Neeses 8
Bamberg 74
Brunson 13
Kline 10
Edisto 37
Allendale 72
Hilda 12
Govan 2
Olar 44

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by James Page Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Kline-Snelling 154
Gifford 22
Hampton 206
Snelling 10
Millhaven 30
Neeses 227
Cordova 5
Bamberg 662
Brunson 64
Kline 8
Edisto 89
Allendale 277
Hilda 10
Govan 12
Olar 115

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by James Page Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Kline-Snelling 893
Gifford 86
Hampton 693
Snelling 60
Millhaven 94
Neeses 1203
Cordova 53
Bamberg 1590
Brunson 362
Kline 77
Edisto 655
Allendale 1276
Hilda 155
Govan 9
Olar 429

Number of vacant houses in places near by James Page Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Kline-Snelling 361
Gifford 33
Hampton 182
Snelling 18
Millhaven 188
Neeses 347
Cordova 13
Bamberg 717
Brunson 185
Kline 56
Edisto 208
Allendale 529
Hilda 35
Govan 5
Olar 123