Statistics & Research about Irmo,SC - Irmo Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Irmo,SC an area served by Irmo Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 803-781-4700

Real estate research for area nearby Irmo Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Fairfield County 92,500 582 7.6
Sandy Run-Staley Crossroads 96,200 633 7.9
Richland County 150,800 832 6.6
Summit 117,000 923 9.5
Winnsboro Mills 61,800 675 13.1
Forest Acres 182,900 823 5.4
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 86,500 469 6.5
Batesburg-Leesville 99,700 608 7.3
Peak 134,400 833 7.4
Jenkinsville 84000 NA NA

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Irmo Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Fairfield County 1473
Sandy Run-Staley Crossroads 217
Richland County 26630
Summit 23
Winnsboro Mills 105
Forest Acres 797
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 108
Batesburg-Leesville 334
Camp Ground 318
Gilbert 1400
Arcadia Lakes 138
Pine Ridge 139
Winnsboro 205

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Irmo Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Fairfield County 93000
Sandy Run-Staley Crossroads 99300
Richland County 136100
Summit 62500
Winnsboro Mills 42500
Forest Acres 161400
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 153200
Batesburg-Leesville 65200
Camp Ground 75000
Gilbert 173500
Arcadia Lakes 334400
Pine Ridge 167800
Winnsboro 114400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Irmo Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Fairfield County 6329
Sandy Run-Staley Crossroads 1639
Richland County 71425
Summit 106
Winnsboro Mills 397
Forest Acres 2606
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 675
Batesburg-Leesville 2531
Peak 19
Jenkinsville 31
Camp Ground 1178
Gilbert 5033
Arcadia Lakes 210
Pine Ridge 607
Winnsboro 683

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Irmo Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Fairfield County 77000
Sandy Run-Staley Crossroads 84600
Richland County 160400
Summit 56500
Forest Acres 221400
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 98900
Batesburg-Leesville 119600
Camp Ground 144800
Gilbert 98600
Arcadia Lakes 544600
Pine Ridge 200800
Winnsboro 114600