Statistics & Research about North Augusta,SC - Hixon Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about North Augusta,SC an area served by Hixon Insurance Agency Inc

108 W Spring Grove Ave North Augusta
North Augusta,SC

Real estate research for area nearby Hixon Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wagener 63,400 593 11.2
Burnettown 86,200 681 9.5
Parksville 73,200 501 8.2
Blythe 82,100 591 8.6
Modoc 159400 NA NA
Evans 188,300 1066 6.8
Edgefield County 106,900 575 6.5
Ward 79,000 518 7.9
Plum Branch 65000 NA NA
Gracewood 103,100 864 10.1

Number of old houses in places near by Hixon Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Wagener 137500
Burnettown 62200
Parksville 102100
Blythe 128100
Evans 98300
Edgefield County 125000
Ward 118800
Plum Branch 57700
Gracewood 87400
Monetta 132100
Hephzibah 105700
Southeast Edgefield 78000
Edgefield 150900

Number of vacant houses in places near by Hixon Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Wagener 298
Burnettown 133
Parksville 551
Blythe 54
Modoc 150
Evans 2955
Edgefield County 1505
Ward 17
Plum Branch 7
Gracewood 1354
Monetta 404
Hephzibah 963
Southeast Edgefield 407
Edgefield 476
Murphys Estates 184

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Hixon Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Wagener 53900
Burnettown 112500
Parksville 46700
Blythe 56300
Evans 171000
Edgefield County 91800
Gracewood 96800
Monetta 57500
Hephzibah 79900
Southeast Edgefield 131500
Edgefield 76900
Murphys Estates 52200

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Hixon Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Wagener 67300
Burnettown 60000
Parksville 93200
Blythe 76700
Modoc 425000
Evans 214500
Edgefield County 92500
Plum Branch 9999
Gracewood 117700
Monetta 62200
Hephzibah 110600
Southeast Edgefield 150200
Edgefield 94900
Murphys Estates 74400