Statistics & Research about Gaffney,SC - Herbord Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Gaffney,SC an area served by Herbord Insurance

325 Chesnee Hwy

Car dealers nearby Herbord Insurance

Roger Shiflett Ford

Phone: 888-904-2354

Real estate research for area nearby Herbord Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Fairmont Mills 165,600 895 6.5
Spartanburg County 119,600 673 6.8
Duncans Creek 136400 NA NA
Sulphur Springs 106,900 523 5.9
Valley Falls 122,500 665 6.5
High Shoals 88,000 606 8.3
Saxon 45,600 720 18.9
Southern Shops 41,100 580 16.9
Buffalo 62,000 779 15.1
Mayo 92,300 685 8.9

Number of whites in places near by Herbord Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Fairmont Mills 10203
Spartanburg County 208863
Duncans Creek 596
Sulphur Springs 5227
Valley Falls 4360
High Shoals 6374
Saxon 1857
Southern Shops 2797
Buffalo 1060
Mayo 4771
Waco 276
Clover 28209
Ruth 333
Gaffney 22580
York 18247

Number of vacant houses in places near by Herbord Insurance

Place name Number of vacant houses
Fairmont Mills 285
Spartanburg County 15802
Sulphur Springs 333
Valley Falls 238
High Shoals 695
Saxon 330
Southern Shops 162
Buffalo 82
Mayo 177
Waco 44
Clover 1529
Ruth 18
Gaffney 1825
York 1079

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Herbord Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Fairmont Mills 2282
Spartanburg County 61357
Duncans Creek 119
Sulphur Springs 1154
Valley Falls 960
High Shoals 1844
Saxon 640
Southern Shops 377
Buffalo 234
Mayo 1277
Waco 97
Clover 6934
Ruth 64
Gaffney 7581
York 5434

Number of blacks in places near by Herbord Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Fairmont Mills 1694
Spartanburg County 58556
Sulphur Springs 187
Valley Falls 913
High Shoals 751
Saxon 1701
Southern Shops 855
Buffalo 240
Mayo 284
Waco 16
Clover 2336
Ruth 3
Gaffney 9778
York 5036