Statistics & Research about Columbia,SC - Harnist Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Columbia,SC an area served by Harnist Insurance Agency Inc

2711 Middleburg Dr 2711 Middleburg Dr

Real estate research for area nearby Harnist Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Winnsboro Mills 61,800 675 13.1
Fairfield County 92,500 582 7.6
Lake Murray of Richland 301,200 1223 4.9
Oakland 88,800 721 9.7
Eastover 81,800 581 8.5
Wedgefield 80,000 698 10.5
Ridgeway 155,800 713 5.5
West Columbia 133,900 719 6.4
West Columbia-Cayce 118,200 772 7.8
Pelion 87,700 700 9.6

Number of whites in places near by Harnist Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Winnsboro Mills 1073
Fairfield County 9111
Lake Murray of Richland 4602
Oakland 631
Eastover 1333
Wedgefield 496
Ridgeway 2870
West Columbia 12005
West Columbia-Cayce 47252
Pelion 20798
Summit 450
Dutch Fork 39122
Arcadia Lakes 817
St. Andrews 5143
Camden 11013

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Harnist Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Winnsboro Mills 34
Fairfield County 502
Eastover 74
Ridgeway 51
West Columbia 611
West Columbia-Cayce 1539
Pelion 384
Summit 2
Dutch Fork 4073
Arcadia Lakes 8
St. Andrews 2548
Camden 266

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Harnist Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Winnsboro Mills 266200
Fairfield County 88100
Lake Murray of Richland 315900
Oakland 93400
Eastover 99000
Ridgeway 45500
West Columbia 116000
West Columbia-Cayce 117900
Pelion 84700
Summit 150000
Dutch Fork 119200
Arcadia Lakes 204500
St. Andrews 107100
Camden 115200

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Harnist Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Winnsboro Mills 105
Fairfield County 1473
Lake Murray of Richland 683
Oakland 91
Eastover 451
Wedgefield 120
Ridgeway 370
West Columbia 728
West Columbia-Cayce 3281
Pelion 1959
Summit 23
Dutch Fork 4409
Arcadia Lakes 138
St. Andrews 593
Camden 1333