Statistics & Research about North Myrtle Beach,SC - Gardiner Marek Agency

Here are some statistics & research about North Myrtle Beach,SC an area served by Gardiner Marek Agency

3802 Highway 17 S Unit A North Myrtle Beach
North Myrtle Beach,SC
Phone : (843) 353-0148

Real estate research for area nearby Gardiner Marek Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Carolina Shores 206,600 1045 6.1
Myrtle Beach 174,600 855 5.9
Ocean Isle Beach 580,200 1323 2.7
Garden City 126,300 910 8.6
Atlantic Beach 134,400 599 5.3
South Williams 70,800 547 9.3
Lees 74,500 657 10.6
Longs 117,000 795 8.2
Socastee 151,400 838 6.6
Conway East 174,900 879 6.0

Number of whites in places near by Gardiner Marek Agency

Place name Number of whites
Carolina Shores 3085
Myrtle Beach 78703
Ocean Isle Beach 725
Garden City 8588
Atlantic Beach 87
South Williams 4043
Lees 3194
Longs 4649
Socastee 15072
Conway East 52288
Aynor 8893
Horry County 216017
Shallotte 23831
Little River 30369
Briarcliffe Acres 472

Number of vacant houses in places near by Gardiner Marek Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Carolina Shores 390
Myrtle Beach 33099
Ocean Isle Beach 2751
Garden City 4940
Atlantic Beach 152
South Williams 257
Lees 252
Longs 521
Socastee 1714
Conway East 9868
Aynor 881
Horry County 72026
Shallotte 10834
Little River 23546
Briarcliffe Acres 27

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Gardiner Marek Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Carolina Shores 201400
Myrtle Beach 149800
Ocean Isle Beach 521300
Garden City 119800
Atlantic Beach 425000
South Williams 115000
Lees 103000
Longs 76600
Socastee 148500
Conway East 124400
Aynor 95600
Horry County 138400
Shallotte 151700
Little River 169100
Briarcliffe Acres 462500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Gardiner Marek Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Carolina Shores 22
Myrtle Beach 1756
Ocean Isle Beach 630
Garden City 251
Atlantic Beach 1
South Williams 79
Longs 28
Socastee 155
Conway East 930
Aynor 55
Horry County 4055
Shallotte 861
Little River 808
Briarcliffe Acres 50