Statistics & Research about Florence,SC - Fred Jones Company Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Florence,SC an area served by Fred Jones Company Inc

Phone : 843-662-9401

Real estate research for area nearby Fred Jones Company Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Blenheim 55,200 596 13.0
Johnsonville 83,200 628 9.1
Marion County 82,400 529 7.7
Mullins 81,200 509 7.5
Marlboro County 63,600 537 10.1
Stokes Bridge-Cypress Crossroads 59,500 513 10.3
Bennettsville 79,000 526 8.0
Florence County 112,300 644 6.9
Lake City-Scranton 81,000 568 8.4
Lynchburg 73,400 589 9.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Fred Jones Company Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Blenheim 221
Johnsonville 455
Marion County 3866
Mullins 1604
Marlboro County 3365
Stokes Bridge-Cypress Crossroads 170
Bennettsville 1873
Florence County 14483
Lake City-Scranton 1492
Lynchburg 94
Sellers 29
Scranton 84
Centenary 194
Lydia 59
Hartsville 2378

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Fred Jones Company Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Blenheim 36600
Johnsonville 69200
Marion County 66000
Mullins 72200
Marlboro County 51200
Stokes Bridge-Cypress Crossroads 42300
Bennettsville 58900
Florence County 110500
Lake City-Scranton 101800
Lynchburg 25600
Sellers 9999
Scranton 80600
Centenary 48600
Lydia 14200
Hartsville 106100

Number of new houses in places near by Fred Jones Company Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Marlboro County 70400
Florence County 150000

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Fred Jones Company Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Blenheim 68300
Johnsonville 49400
Marion County 65400
Mullins 60300
Marlboro County 57200
Stokes Bridge-Cypress Crossroads 58000
Bennettsville 78000
Florence County 93200
Lake City-Scranton 48100
Lynchburg 44500
Sellers 42500
Scranton 64400
Centenary 43800
Lydia 42500
Hartsville 70300