Statistics & Research about Darlington,SC - Cb&T Financial Services

Here are some statistics & research about Darlington,SC an area served by Cb&T Financial Services

Phone : 843-398-8415

Car dealers nearby Cb&T Financial Services

Auddie Brown Chevrolet

Auddie Brown Chevrolet 1050 Lochend Drive, Darlington, SC 29532
Phone: (877) 476-8157

Real estate research for area nearby Cb&T Financial Services

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Coward 64,100 557 10.4
Lynchburg 73,400 589 9.6
Timmonsville 58,200 529 10.9
Bennettsville 79,000 526 8.0
Patrick 68,300 546 9.6
Darlington County 84,600 593 8.4
Dillon County 63,300 551 10.4
Danwood 132,000 593 5.4
Darlington 80,300 591 8.8
McBee 73,000 511 8.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Cb&T Financial Services

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Coward 333
Lynchburg 94
Timmonsville 329
Bennettsville 1873
Patrick 762
Darlington County 7793
Dillon County 4508
Danwood 1157
Darlington 2866
McBee 245
Chesterfield County 6542
Lee County 1662
Hartsville 2378
Marion 1734
McColl 699

Number of whites in places near by Cb&T Financial Services

Place name Number of whites
Coward 2629
Lynchburg 300
Timmonsville 1299
Bennettsville 5190
Patrick 4867
Darlington County 38685
Dillon County 15160
Danwood 9240
Darlington 13511
McBee 1773
Chesterfield County 30006
Lee County 6322
Hartsville 11439
Marion 6257
McColl 2739

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Cb&T Financial Services

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Coward 34
Lynchburg 17
Timmonsville 120
Bennettsville 574
Patrick 123
Darlington County 1378
Dillon County 489
Danwood 137
Darlington 640
McBee 32
Chesterfield County 931
Lee County 405
Hartsville 555
Marion 551
McColl 160

Number of vacant houses in places near by Cb&T Financial Services

Place name Number of vacant houses
Coward 122
Lynchburg 133
Timmonsville 132
Bennettsville 1317
Patrick 365
Darlington County 3778
Dillon County 1913
Danwood 731
Darlington 1190
McBee 254
Chesterfield County 3927
Lee County 1210
Hartsville 1244
Marion 1225
McColl 294