About : Our goal is to help our clients prepare for unforeseen losses by providing solutions with both personal and business insurance.
Description : We are proud to offer our clients personalized service in a range of insurance products including, but not limited to homeowners, auto, boat, motorcycle, umbrella, business liability, workers comp, life, disability, group and individual health insurance.
Phone: 803-779-7854
Fax: 803-799-6546
Distance: 4.6 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Leaky Toilet, Water Damage and Insurance
We know about the more common and larger water damage problems a home owner can occur from a busted water heater, dishwasher, or washing machine, but don't forget about the leaking toilet that causes water damage.
There Is An App For That - Home Inventory List
Most people know about home inventory lists for home insurance purposes, but technology and app developers are making it easier than ever before to account for your possessions with easy to use apps that are installed on cell phones, desktop computers, laptops, and tablets.
Everyone stay safe and be careful if you need to be driving. If you have a doubt about the depth of standing water on a road don't take chances. It doesn't take a lot of water to stall a car.