Statistics & Research about Newberry,SC - Bowers & Floyd Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Newberry,SC an area served by Bowers & Floyd Inc

Phone : 803-276-0622

Real estate research for area nearby Bowers & Floyd Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Greenwood 119,900 641 6.4
Kirksey 85,600 688 9.6
Laurens County 84,200 631 9.0
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 86,500 469 6.5
Chappells 117,300 449 4.6
Laurens 88,300 632 8.6
Joanna 55,500 733 15.8
Winnsboro South 83,500 580 8.3
Irmo 157,500 793 6.0
Lake Murray of Richland 301,200 1223 4.9

Number of old houses in places near by Bowers & Floyd Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Greenwood 85600
Kirksey 135300
Laurens County 79400
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 150800
Chappells 27800
Laurens 68200
Joanna 69100
Winnsboro South 65300
Irmo 382100
Saluda 119200
Silverstreet 76700
Pomaria 78100
Ridge Spring 92200

Number of vacant houses in places near by Bowers & Floyd Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Greenwood 3145
Kirksey 166
Laurens County 5726
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 345
Chappells 269
Laurens 1774
Joanna 226
Winnsboro South 796
Irmo 956
Lake Murray of Richland 217
Saluda 769
Silverstreet 6
Pomaria 314
Ridge Spring 300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Bowers & Floyd Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Greenwood 10474
Kirksey 469
Laurens County 16135
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 675
Chappells 392
Laurens 4581
Joanna 649
Winnsboro South 2598
Irmo 7639
Lake Murray of Richland 1014
Saluda 2085
Silverstreet 57
Pomaria 748
Ridge Spring 681
Coronaca 63

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Bowers & Floyd Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Greenwood 1624
Kirksey 51
Laurens County 1153
Monticello-Salem Crossroads 82
Chappells 12
Laurens 455
Joanna 58
Winnsboro South 335
Irmo 1037
Saluda 95
Silverstreet 5
Pomaria 34
Ridge Spring 34