Statistics & Research about Fort Mill,SC - Allabout Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Fort Mill,SC an area served by Allabout Insurance

10933 Barberville Road
Fort Mill,SC

Real estate research for area nearby Allabout Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
McAdenville 160,300 713 5.3
Lancaster County 136,600 634 5.6
Wingate 133,000 618 5.6
Gastonia 121,400 743 7.3
Lancaster 110,000 605 6.6
Van Wyck 221,000 800 4.3
Newport 183,400 811 5.3
Riverbend 141,400 662 5.6
Township 156,100 813 6.2
Cramerton 161,000 795 5.9

Number of whites in places near by Allabout Insurance

Place name Number of whites
McAdenville 537
Lancaster County 55773
Wingate 2208
Gastonia 55721
Lancaster 25873
Van Wyck 16743
Newport 3574
Riverbend 21946
Township 4505
Cramerton 3875
Clover 28209
Mecklenburg County 537507
Lesslie 2615
Irwin 1036

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Allabout Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
McAdenville 27
Lancaster County 4343
Wingate 145
Gastonia 4424
Lancaster 1861
Van Wyck 1789
Newport 330
Riverbend 1650
Township 119
Cramerton 423
Clover 2437
Mecklenburg County 76137
Lesslie 188
Irwin 24

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Allabout Insurance

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
McAdenville 5
Lancaster County 952
Wingate 41
Gastonia 877
Lancaster 244
Van Wyck 545
Newport 53
Riverbend 377
Township 49
Cramerton 44
Clover 900
Mecklenburg County 19222
Lesslie 21
Irwin 23

Number of blacks in places near by Allabout Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Lancaster County 18322
Wingate 1147
Gastonia 20574
Lancaster 13694
Van Wyck 1096
Newport 463
Riverbend 2632
Township 2241
Cramerton 135
Clover 2336
Mecklenburg County 282309
Lesslie 54
Irwin 386