Statistics & Research about Florence,SC - Aiken & Company

Here are some statistics & research about Florence,SC an area served by Aiken & Company

Phone : (843) 665-7555

Real estate research for area nearby Aiken & Company

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Blenheim 55,200 596 13.0
Johnsonville 83,200 628 9.1
Marion County 82,400 529 7.7
Mullins 81,200 509 7.5
Marlboro County 63,600 537 10.1
Stokes Bridge-Cypress Crossroads 59,500 513 10.3
Bennettsville 79,000 526 8.0
Florence County 112,300 644 6.9
Lake City-Scranton 81,000 568 8.4
Lynchburg 73,400 589 9.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Aiken & Company

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Blenheim 221
Johnsonville 455
Marion County 3866
Mullins 1604
Marlboro County 3365
Stokes Bridge-Cypress Crossroads 170
Bennettsville 1873
Florence County 14483
Lake City-Scranton 1492
Lynchburg 94
Sellers 29
Scranton 84
Centenary 194
Lydia 59
Hartsville 2378

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Aiken & Company

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Blenheim 36600
Johnsonville 69200
Marion County 66000
Mullins 72200
Marlboro County 51200
Stokes Bridge-Cypress Crossroads 42300
Bennettsville 58900
Florence County 110500
Lake City-Scranton 101800
Lynchburg 25600
Sellers 9999
Scranton 80600
Centenary 48600
Lydia 14200
Hartsville 106100

Number of new houses in places near by Aiken & Company

Place name Number of new houses
Marlboro County 70400
Florence County 150000

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Aiken & Company

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Blenheim 68300
Johnsonville 49400
Marion County 65400
Mullins 60300
Marlboro County 57200
Stokes Bridge-Cypress Crossroads 58000
Bennettsville 78000
Florence County 93200
Lake City-Scranton 48100
Lynchburg 44500
Sellers 42500
Scranton 64400
Centenary 43800
Lydia 42500
Hartsville 70300